the only thing not working as far as i can see is the 'mine for 1 hour' achievement, i never reach 60 min, it always jumps back o completely different times
@Stunt and @SIr_Cobra if you can both put in a support ticket at - I can look into both of your issues on the back end and see what is going on.
@Xenex This issue is most likely caused by AV or Firewall issues connecting to the mining servers - if can contact support at they can help troubleshoot the issue with you.
mine doesnt even wait til it gets to .001 its literally every time the app loses focus
We put out a client update end of last week to help some users were experiencing and all should be good to go.
What cards are you two using?
have the same problems.
my grafik card is geforce GTX 1060 6GB
greetz Stunt
Thanks for your response. I will look into this and report back.
i want to tell that everything is working fine now.
thanks greetz Stunt
yes, it's working, got the achievement and the mining counter seems to be fine too. thx robot crew
the only thing not working as far as i can see is the 'mine for 1 hour' achievement, i never reach 60 min, it always jumps back o completely different times
I checked it, you´re right i have the same problem with the mine for 1 hour' achievement
Same with me. achievment will not progress...
@Stunt and @SIr_Cobra if you can both put in a support ticket at - I can look into both of your issues on the back end and see what is going on.
same with me
goes to zero once reached 100
no achievments unlocked
radeon r9 200
Bonjour y a du petit Francais ?
J'ai le meme souci des que ca arrive a 100 ca reset et ca recommence
J'ai une 1080 Ti OC
@Xenex This issue is most likely caused by AV or Firewall issues connecting to the mining servers - if can contact support at they can help troubleshoot the issue with you.