If I go 24 hours I can mine about 24 to 25 iron just using GPU. Although after some quick math comparison to mine 100 Iron would cost me roughly $2.50 and with 100 iron being about $1 dollar, I've determined it's just not worth it. After 4 days of mining I'd essentially lose $1.50. EDIT: Numbers are meaningless without actual GPU specs. I'm running an MSI RTX 2060 and getting a 22 to 23 Mh rate.
Between 1.875 and 2.0 per hour depending if I'm browsing the internet at the same time. or 17 daily potential, I think they count 8 hours per day. Sometimes it tells me 19 daily. But I would say 17 is about right for 8 hrs.
Ryzen 3700x about 75 degrees while mining and a GTX 1070 slightly overclocked running at 63 degrees while mining. Room temp is 20 degrees.
Stock cooler, tripple fan card.
3.6ghz on all 16 cpu cores. 100% gpu and cpu usage. One firefox youtube tab open.
10 hours=17 iron or 1.7 an hour. 1.7x24hours=40.8 BUT with the bonuses I'm realistically at 30 as shown in the estimate which I think is accurate. So WTF are YOU talking about?
You shouldn't mine on a laptop.
Laptops are downclocked due to the thermal restrictions, mining on them will damage them bit by bit.
This is less so with a Desktop with great thermals.
Also, you'll spend a ton of time not using your PC for little return.
Its already amazing to be able to get a 25% cashback though so euhmmm in the future you could return some games?
I wouldnt reccamend mining on this platform
the games are bad
the mining rate is ridiculously low
and after mining for a few weeks i made 500 iron. all of this reset back to zero. Do not mine for this platform right now. MAybe if things get better for it i might restart
Hi guys,
If you want mining It is also good to setup your PC to get profit and not to waste money on electricity.
For Example I have RX5700 with Ryzen R5 3600 with stock cooler (Stealth) and my mining per day is this.
RX 5700 on base doing about 42-43 MH/s so I getting about 43 Irons per day on gpu per 140-145 Watts.
Cpu on default with precision boost ON goes under stress with temp up to max allowed 95°C with clock about 3,76MHz on all cores and Mining was 6300 H/s per 80 Wats.
Looks that when you have turned ON mining for CPU it mining more profitable currency because I gaining more by cpu with less consumption then GPU has.
Now I have it setup this way:
I setup precision boost temp in bios for CPU max to 80°C (since I want to run my CPU under stress on typical temp with stock cooler and not 95°C which is max allowed for this CPU) which caused that my core clock for all cores is under stress about 3,6 Mhz which is base clock advertised by AMD for all cores under stress and my mining is 6000H/s.
GPU I undervolted with Afterburner on 100-105 Watts and with this setup it Mining about 37HM/s.
RX5700 - 37 MH/s (37 Iron) with 105 watts (temps depends how you will setup RPM or if you will let it default)
Ryzen R5 3600 - 6000H/s (35 Iron) with 63 watts and temp 80°C
Total GPU+CPU (72 Iron) for 168 watts. When I use pc for basic work it drops around 70 Irons.
With cpu and precision boost setup on default which allowing temp up to 95°C (cpu spec.) consumed CPU 20 Watts more and mining was around 90 Irons total so 53 Iron for CPU but I don't want to run my PC on max allowed values. Please note that these values are during action with AMD boost.
Because first day i mining just GPU and I got 44 Irons average on full gpu consuming 145 Watts and 37 Irons on undervoltaged on 105 Watts.
Then I just for fun tried run both and I have this what is bellow. And this value is with gpu undervoltaged on 105 Watts + cpu 63 Watts.
And 72-37 means that CPU gives you around 35 Irons even it is just 6000H/s so probably it is used for mining other currency which is protected against GPU or asic mining.
You tried? I am trying now without CPU mining (to prevent fake news) and I will see if it will drop like that first day but I think It will drop because somewhere in discussion i saw some guy who wrote that he mining just gpu RX5700XT and he mining 48 Iron something like that.
I make aorund 50 iron a day from mining (GPU only - RX5700)
But concentrate on the Challenges - it's way easier and way quicker to make your Iron completing those
25.5 Iron , im only using the GPU. I mined for about 19h
If I go 24 hours I can mine about 24 to 25 iron just using GPU. Although after some quick math comparison to mine 100 Iron would cost me roughly $2.50 and with 100 iron being about $1 dollar, I've determined it's just not worth it. After 4 days of mining I'd essentially lose $1.50. EDIT: Numbers are meaningless without actual GPU specs. I'm running an MSI RTX 2060 and getting a 22 to 23 Mh rate.
My CPU alone is 26, Ryzen 5 3600x, wish my GPU would work, Radeon 5700XT
About 30 iron here, ryzen 3600 + radeon 570
About 40 with Ryzen 1600 and RX480 but 10 of that is bonus %
Daily potencial Iron is 7.73 here, wtf are u talking about 30 or 40 Iron a day, are you dreaming? Im using Ryzen 7 2600/RX 580.
lol i have an i5 dual core and a gt 1030 which isnt supported so im getting about 0.3 iron a day
Between 1.875 and 2.0 per hour depending if I'm browsing the internet at the same time. or 17 daily potential, I think they count 8 hours per day. Sometimes it tells me 19 daily. But I would say 17 is about right for 8 hrs.
Ryzen 3700x about 75 degrees while mining and a GTX 1070 slightly overclocked running at 63 degrees while mining. Room temp is 20 degrees.
Stock cooler, tripple fan card.
3.6ghz on all 16 cpu cores. 100% gpu and cpu usage. One firefox youtube tab open.
Ran the mining for 30 minutes.
Ok, so if I push my GPU to the limit and have PC on 24x7 I can maybe make 1 USD in several days?
Considering electricity cost I'd actually "make" more by NOT mining. This system is BS.
10 hours=17 iron or 1.7 an hour. 1.7x24hours=40.8 BUT with the bonuses I'm realistically at 30 as shown in the estimate which I think is accurate. So WTF are YOU talking about?

100 iron is 1 USD. Or did you think you are earning 30 USD per day? LOL
.5 iron, im on a fairly old laptop and I ran it for 5 hours
I was responding to Nyo's comment as he didn't believe you could get 30-40 iron a day.
Oh, ok then.
(Some extra letters to post a reply)
About 70 iron/day with an overclocked 3600 and 5600xt
You shouldn't mine on a laptop.
Laptops are downclocked due to the thermal restrictions, mining on them will damage them bit by bit.
This is less so with a Desktop with great thermals.
Also, you'll spend a ton of time not using your PC for little return.
Its already amazing to be able to get a 25% cashback though so euhmmm in the future you could return some games?
ryzen 5 [email protected] + RX 5700@ 1750mhz 45 iron per day, not actually using cpu as seems pointless.
my 3600 @4.2 is only giving me 4,600 hashes a second
my RX 5700 is giving me 45 million hashes per second = 45mh/s.
after 3 hours it projects 24.15 on 130 watts of gpu
Running a 3600 @ 4.3GHz with 360 rad and a 5700XT stock.
Yo how dafaq do you get a gun or a weapon to defend yourself in that free trapper game?
I wouldnt reccamend mining on this platform
the games are bad
the mining rate is ridiculously low
and after mining for a few weeks i made 500 iron. all of this reset back to zero. Do not mine for this platform right now. MAybe if things get better for it i might restart
Hi guys,
If you want mining It is also good to setup your PC to get profit and not to waste money on electricity.
For Example I have RX5700 with Ryzen R5 3600 with stock cooler (Stealth) and my mining per day is this.
RX 5700 on base doing about 42-43 MH/s so I getting about 43 Irons per day on gpu per 140-145 Watts.
Cpu on default with precision boost ON goes under stress with temp up to max allowed 95°C with clock about 3,76MHz on all cores and Mining was 6300 H/s per 80 Wats.
Looks that when you have turned ON mining for CPU it mining more profitable currency because I gaining more by cpu with less consumption then GPU has.
Now I have it setup this way:
I setup precision boost temp in bios for CPU max to 80°C (since I want to run my CPU under stress on typical temp with stock cooler and not 95°C which is max allowed for this CPU) which caused that my core clock for all cores is under stress about 3,6 Mhz which is base clock advertised by AMD for all cores under stress and my mining is 6000H/s.
GPU I undervolted with Afterburner on 100-105 Watts and with this setup it Mining about 37HM/s.
RX5700 - 37 MH/s (37 Iron) with 105 watts (temps depends how you will setup RPM or if you will let it default)
Ryzen R5 3600 - 6000H/s (35 Iron) with 63 watts and temp 80°C
Total GPU+CPU (72 Iron) for 168 watts. When I use pc for basic work it drops around 70 Irons.
With cpu and precision boost setup on default which allowing temp up to 95°C (cpu spec.) consumed CPU 20 Watts more and mining was around 90 Irons total so 53 Iron for CPU but I don't want to run my PC on max allowed values. Please note that these values are during action with AMD boost.
I don't think you are calculating that correctly.
6000 h/s (cpu) vs 37000000 h/s (gpu)
Why are you wasting power mining on the cpu?
Because first day i mining just GPU and I got 44 Irons average on full gpu consuming 145 Watts and 37 Irons on undervoltaged on 105 Watts.
Then I just for fun tried run both and I have this what is bellow. And this value is with gpu undervoltaged on 105 Watts + cpu 63 Watts.
And 72-37 means that CPU gives you around 35 Irons even it is just 6000H/s so probably it is used for mining other currency which is protected against GPU or asic mining.
Here is picture. If you dont believe you can try it itself.

yeah looks like cpu mining is a different currency so nevermind
You tried? I am trying now without CPU mining (to prevent fake news) and I will see if it will drop like that first day but I think It will drop because somewhere in discussion i saw some guy who wrote that he mining just gpu RX5700XT and he mining 48 Iron something like that.
I make aorund 50 iron a day from mining (GPU only - RX5700)
But concentrate on the Challenges - it's way easier and way quicker to make your Iron completing those
Yes I tried today jus mining via same gpu but udervolataged and it was around 37-48 (It jumped but usualy around 43)