Idle or Always?

Hello everyone. So I can't really understand the difference. Cause when I click "Mine while idle" it just stops mining... Can someone please explain it to me in details. Thank you in advance.


  • Hey @ColdRussian "Mine while idle" will start mining when you are not actively using your computer. If it is mining, and you use the keyboard or mouse it will stop mining. "Mine Always" turns mining on and it will continue to mine until you turn it off.

  • @captaincache Hmmm, I did the same. At that time I didn't use keyboard or mouse... Maybe the client needs some time to start mining?

  • In Idle meaning when you not using your pc (not doing anything and has sleep mode off in your windows profile). So if you actively playing games and so on put it in idle. If you using pc for basic tasks like browsing, playing films music and so on (or playing games easy for running - not witcher and so on) you can turn it on mining always it has minimal impact on user during basic tasks on modern PCs. So you can put it always mining and turn in idle when you playing games hard to run and don't want remember to turn it on when you leaving pc. Easily when you moving mouse it is not Idle. But playing film and not moving mouse it is Idle.

  • IMO, it's best to set GPU(s) to "Mine Always" and CPU to "When Idle". Just don't forget to turn off mining when launching a game.

  • I play Warframe and if I have them both set to "Mine while Idle" it will still mine now and again while I am playing- usually when I'm not in a squad. Although Warframe uses Direct X 11 and not 12 so it's not so graphics hungry. I have a 2700X and 5700XT btw

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