Selling buying games

Hi everyone, where can we buy games that others are selling, is it still too early for that? Am I missing the selling forum?


  • Ok, resseling the game for 25% of the price. Im dissapointed. I thought I would sell it to other buyers. That would be awesome to buy games from others listing them at lower price. But how would the platform make money out of this. Maybe the need of Iron to play the games like using "fuel" so people would get games very cheap but instead they have to actually mine to get Iron to be able to play these games. Like 10 Iron for 24 hours of gaming. That is my idea for Amd.

  • How would you avoid the race to the bottom if no regulation were in place. As arbitrary as it works out, its stable. Ya gatta give em that, and the ability to adjust pricing. I think of this as all of us investing into these guys ideas with our gear. They are attempting to recycle and keep things moving. Lower your expectations and consider what alternatives there are. Have faith and hope! :wink:

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