The Storepage for Games


The store page for each game would benefit from some overhauling.
There is too much stuff on the screen, making it cluttered. For example, when watching the trailer for the game - everything else should go away and not cover up the trailer itself. Like the screenshots/video list that runs across the screen. I am aware that some of it "fades out" after a short while, but when I click on fullscreen - all I should see is the video.

There also needs to be a volume button for videos. I can turn down the volume in Windows or on my mixer - but why should I have to?

EDIT: I see now that there is a section at the bottom when clicking "more info" on a game, which has the videos and screenshots as well.
First of all, the fullscreen button does not work on that video player.
Secondly, why have the stuff at two locations on the page? It seems to just add to the overall "clutter".

The Store in general I feel is "hard to navigate". It feels like a "touch interface" even though the games are for PC and not mobile.
I would prefer it if there was an option to not have the videos autoplay.
Hopefully, you got some design changes in mind for it.


  • @Subudai thanks for the feedback, and I will pass it on to the team.

  • edited June 2020

    i have to agree that accessibility needs a little tuning on the store front; definitely feels a bit on the cludgey side. Additionally the Store menu option on the client menu bar needs a menu option for Wish List so that users/consumers can hit their wish list items without having to dig when they have the compulsion to buy or simply want to review.

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