power consumption

im just curuious if mining would increase a power bill by alot ive never done this before and i have no clue lol


  • edited May 2020

    Try to count it. Check what price you have for 1MW/h and re-count it with usage of your computer per hour or per day during mining (use afterburner). Then check how many iron you will get per day(100Irons = 1USD). If mining of your pc consuming more electricity than making Irons then it has no sense. For example when I couned mining for me gpu alone will cost energy in same value in Irons, but when I mining with gpu and cpu it is 20w more but mining Irons is almost double.

  • I think I may not mess with it to much I ran it for about 30 minutes and my pc sounded like a jet engine it is probably to old for this stuff lol but thanks for the answer
  • NP. Yeah during mining your pc runs on 100% so it is good to have good cooling or undervolaged gpu or cpu in way that consumption will be less then Irons gain.

  • You can do some basic math. Assuming a GTX 1080, the TDP is 180W. Assume its running 150W.

    150W x 24h = 3600 W= 3.6 kWh per day

    That's just to run the GPU. Your entire computer has to be on to do this, so you're probably very conservatively running 300W. So you're probably burning more like 6-7kWh per day to run your system 24 hours.


    Lets assume you live in the hell hole that is Arkansas, with the cheapest kWh cost of 10 cents.

    So you're spending like 60-70 cents a day to run your system. Again this is the cheapest you're getting.

    How much Iron can you earn? My GTX1080 is pulling like 30-40 Iron per day. That means to keep my system up and running, and assuming Im paying the absolute rock bottom pricing for electricity, I'd be losing 30-40 cents a day for this 'free' money.

    The only way you're even close to breaking even is if your kWh costs are in the 5 cent range.

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