Select GPU which mines
Hi everyone,
I have a Laptop with 2 GPUs. One is onboard, one is dedicated. Does someone know, how to (de-)select which one actually mines? In my case, both are and i'd like only to run the dedicated one.
My best regards,
Mining with gtx 1070 about 25mh/s look at it, but still worse to mining

@OkamiYv what does your screenshot does have to do with my initial question?
really doesn't, I think must wait for update but there are two maybe clicking but, do it work for you now:?
@HornyCaspar Currently there is not a way to deselect which GPU is mining. This is a feature that is being worked on and will be added with others to an advanced section.
I have the problem that my GTX 1060 doesn't mine at all... Why is that?
@Hygglot fell free to submit a support ticket and we can help troubleshoot yoru issue.
Same, I also request this feature right way so I can see my cpu resting more and gpu working hard
Not sure if there's a way to do it for gpus too, but have noticed that you can restrict the mining to specific cpu cores using the details tab in Task Manager by right clicking on the RobotCache task. Still would be better once they add a way to set a percentage for gpu/cpu as well as which cores/cards to use inside of the Robot Cache program. Think there are 3rd party programs out there and sometimes you can restrict using software that came with your Motherboard/ grapics card, but usually those are a global setting and restrict for everything rather than individual programs.